Karen Renaud, Volunteer Facilitator for C-PaK

It has been my privilege bringing families together and
I look forward to meeting you and your family!
Email: [email protected]
When you contact me by email, your name and email information will be added to the distribution list I have compiled. I will also send you a confirmation email so you know I have received your request.
Please know that when emails are sent out to all the families about the kid's activities and the parent's meetings, I send them using the "bcc" option. This maintains each person`s privacy.
That being said, C-PaK is a great way to meet other families so when you do meet them, it will be up to you to obtain their email address or phone number so you can keep in contact.
You will be emailed when a Kid's Activity is planned and when a Parent 's Meeting is scheduled. There are times when the Diabetes Unit at the Children`s Hospital has something to communicate to you and they will ask me to send out the information. I am happy to oblige.
I am also in contact with JDRF and a few other organizations. They too have special events to communicate to you at times and I am happy to help out.
By the way, siblings are always invited to attend! This is a disease that affects the whole family and the whole family is always welcome at C-PaK activities.